Sidestep Google Verification on SAMSUNG Galaxy A51

Sidestep Google Verification on SAMSUNG Galaxy A51

How to sidestep Google Account insurance in SAMSUNG Galaxy A51 with Android 10 and security fix 02.2020?

Essential Tools and Drivers

WiFi Network with web access

Eliminating Google Account on the telephone will delete the entirety of your information.

All portrayed activities you are doing at your own danger.

In the event that need saves your information do a reinforcement before start.

The battery ought to be in any event half charged before the beginning.

Eliminating Google Account Verification from SAMSUNG Galaxy A51 At the point when you’re prepared you can follow this manual.

  1. Turn on the SAMSUNG Galaxy A51 and associate with any WiFi web organization.
  2. Press together the force catch and volume down to make a screen capture.
  3. On the spring up screen, tap the deny button.
  4. Press again the force catch and volume down.
  5. On the spring up screen, select deny and don’t ask again button
  6. Next utilize again the force catch and volume down.
  7. Another spring up menu will show, pick the settings button
  8. In this progression select consents alternative, at that point search symbol
  9. In search field compose chrome and browse list chrome application.

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